Summer Pieces Worth the Splurge

Posted By: Katelyn/ 0 Comments/ Under: Uncategorized

Just when we thought we could discard our jackets and sweaters for good, it dropped 35 degrees overnight. So, the jackets came back out. On our walk home from breakfast, we saw a guy shivering on the sidewalk in shorts and sandals, I guess he forgot to check the forecast. As you bundle back up, don’t fret, summer is just around the corner.

This month has been all about budgeting for me. But sometimes, having a budget does not just mean spending the least amount possible. My investment pieces, the ones that broke the bank, are the pieces that stick around season after season. So, I rounded up five summer must-haves that are worth the splurge.


I hate buying tops. I can never seem to get it right. Without fail, I come home from shopping trips with everything BUT a great top. When I do buy a top, I feel like I wear it once and then it sits in my closet until it gets purged a couple seasons later. So, I am trying to invest in better long-term tops. Enter this AMAZING Milly one-shoulder top. Props to my mama who got it for me as a first Mother’s Day gift. It can be styled down with rippy jeans or dressed up with a skirt. I know this will be a top that sticks around for a while.


This is a piece worth investing in all year round. My mom always talks about the “third piece.” You might have a great top or the perfect bottoms, but everyone needs that “third piece” that pulls the outfit together. Whether its the perfect wrap, shoes, or an investment belt, the third piece is what makes an outfit. In the summer, when I basically wear the same cut-offs and basic tops over and over again, a great belt is that third piece we all need. What’s even better, the right belt, like the classic Gucci, will not just last season after season, it will still be in style decades from now.


A great pair of sunglasses can take a white tee and basic jeans and turn it into the perfect summer get-up. If you’re like me and run out of the house without make-up most days, sunglasses are your best friend. Next week, I am going to share some amazing budget sunnies for you mama’s who are sick of your child breaking expensive sunglasses. But for now, here are some splurge worthy sunnies I am coveting.


We have all had the panic moment when you know swimsuit season is around the corner and you are not swimsuit ready (if you haven’t had this feeling, kudos to you and your self-esteem, workout regime, crazy diet, or amazing genes). There is a one-piece out there that will make you feel like a million bucks and ready to hit the beach. What could be more worth your hard earned $$ than something that makes you feel so good?


During the summer, I usually have that one pair of shoes that sits by the front door and get slipped on and off day after day. Usually, it’s some dumpy pair of sandals that I know won’t give me blisters. This season, I will be running around Chicago in my Valentino flip flops. If you’re going to wear them every day, invest in a great pair that you can wear with just about anything.

Happy shopping and here’s to hoping this is the last chilly day this season!

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